1500 clock hours
The Cosmetology Program is designed to train the student in the basic manipulative skills, safety judgments, proper work habits, business skills and desirable attitudes necessary to obtain licensure and for competency in entry-level positions in Cosmetology or a related career field.

Infection Control & Principles/Practices
Dispensary Requirements & Operations
Proper Infection Control Procedures
Properties of the Hair & Scalp
Trichology (study of hair)
Draping Techniques & Client Protection
Shampoos, Rinses and Treatments
Disorders, Diseases and Conditions
Chemistry basics & PH

Hair Procedures & Practices
Styling & Finishing - Roller Setting, Hair Molding
Thermal Styling - Thermal Iron, Straightening, Blow-dry Techniques
Formal Styling - Braiding, Wigs, Hair Pieces & Hair Additions
Haircutting Basics
Haircutting Techniques & Tools - Shears, Razor, Texturizing, Clippers and Trimmers
Chemical Procedures & Practices
Chemical Texturizing - Permanent Wave, Chemical Relaxers, Curl Re-forming and Corrections
Hair Coloring - Dimensional Coloring Techniques and Corrections

Nail Care Procedures & Practices
Structure of Nails - Anatomy of Bones, Skin and Muscles
Diseases, Disorders and Conditions
Basic Manicure and Pedicure
Manicure and Pedicure Tools and Equipment
Hand, Arm, Foot and Leg Massage
Artificial Nail Enhancements and Maintenance
Skin Care Procedures & Practices
Skin Theory - Anatomy of Skin, Body Systems, Cells and Tissues
Diseases, Disorders and Conditions
Basic Facials - Techniques and Treatments
Hair Removal Techniques
Relaxation Treatments and Health History
Electricity - Principles, Safety, Effects and Therapies

Make-up & Artificial Lashes
Facial Make-up Techniques
Brow/Lash Tinting, Lash Lifts, Brow Lamination
Artificial Lashes - Strip Lash Applications and Eyelash Extensions
Salon Operations & Communication Skills
Salon Operation & Management - Sales, Consultation, Career Development, and Professional Image
Communication Skills - Listening Skills, Products & Service Education, and Consultation

Cosmetology Laws & Rules
Ohio Administrative Code
Ohio Revised Code
Inspection & Enforcement
Continuing Educations - Policies and Procedures
Human Trafficking
Flexible Learning Hours
New Student Orientation - School Policies and Procedures
Employment Assistance - Professionalism, Resume Development, Interview Preparation, Job Search Skills
Internship (optional)
Additional Theory or Clinic Time in Subjects of Interest